It's been an interesting week for me... Monday I was awakened with a very negative text from a loved one. I felt incredibly attacked and hurt by the words that were said to me. Completely taken aback, I wondered if it was a fake text! Sadly it was not.. and I'm feeling rather left in the dark with a sting of betrayal. But, I've felt alone before and can continue on alone here.. negative people and negative emotions have no place in my life at this time. So, I'm taking a step back. I've come along way with my depression this year, and the last thing I need is personal attacks on my existence.. so I keep on keeping on... and with that, I've kept busy.
Sterling and I haven't got to see each other much since he works nearly 10 hours a day for a little while.. so I have a lot of time to myself. My alone time.. one of my favorite things. I was able to get quite a bit of work done. I've been developing a rhythm for myself. A painting or two for the shop, a tarot card, a moon oracle card... then repeat! It keeps my brain, creativity and soul balanced to work like that. Plus, it's fun to always have something on going.
Today I've listed 4 new images into the art shop!
I love how they are all vastly different, but still have so much in common.
Stars, splatters and lots of drips.
I've been loving watercolor, pen and ink lately. Keeping white space, and making shapes with splatters... Ah I'm totally in love with the process. I've never liked watercoloring until a few months ago. Now I love it. It's become one of my favorite mediums especially mixed with ink. I've got tons of ideas for more paintings, but I'm trying to keep it balanced with my other projects.
So, here is what was listed in the shop today.. I've got a little explanation on each painting and some links to the prints and originals.
"The Dream Catcher"
Okay, so someone on instagram asked if I ever did dream catchers.. I realized I have not! So I wrote myself a little note "Draw a Dream Catcher." I looked at it the next day and my mind automatically thought of a humanized dream catcher creature.. with a net. So as a silly joke I decided to draw a Dream Catcher Creature for this girl who asked on instagram. I posted it and tagged her.. but I don't think she was amused with my self proclaimed cleverness.
"Dream Catcher"
She wasn't too amused with my creature, but it's a good thing I did this one at the same time and posted it seconds after. Turns out I love this one too! It was probably one of my first attempts at a dream catcher, but I learned from it, and can't wait to do more.
"Fall Figure"
Original SOLD
This one is the product of procrastination. I was supposed to be doing something else, but I suddenly got really excited for fall an Halloween. So, I put down whatever it was I should have been doing and started painting this. I've been trying to follow my intuition more lately. Rather than paint what I think would sell, I'm painting exactly what I want, how I want it, and when I want it. And I love it. It sold as soon as I showed a picture, and I'm so glad someone resonated with it the same way I did! I guess that's how I see selling artwork now... Not about making money, or getting my art out there, but showing my soul, and hoping someone's soul recognizes the work and resonates with it... Hmmm not sure that makes sense.
"New Moon"
I painted this one on the New Moon.. the same day I woke up to the text messages. My heart started out heavy, but after a few breaths, I felt empowered. I felt empowered to paint someone looking inward. Raw and naked under the New Moon.. a vulnerable time for everyone.. Feelings are often intense during that time, but we don't always have to show our frustration. So, I painted someone in peaceful pose, looking with in. I chose to paint her naked, but of course kept it censored for instagram and facebook purposes because you know... the world isn't ready for boobs I guess. Sterling looked at it and said, "Wow.. you are cutting it real close." My reply, "Someone has to."
And it's true. It's time to walk the edge, test limits and be brave.
Oh! Oh! Check out instagram soon... because we've decided on a name for The Oracle Deck!
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Hi Treetalker :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely live the first Dream Catcher!!! You certainly do have a great maitrise of the watercolor technique, I'm in awe (I only know how to use acrylique paints in an abstract way, I would love to be able to draw like you do). I'm also in love with Fall Figure. Too bad you received a nasty text, don't let it make you feel bad <3
Love to you, I hope your creativity stays boosted ;)
I love that you decided to follow your intuition and do what you love when you feel inspired to do it! I think it will be a great thing for you; I started doing that too a few months ago! If I get something in my head it invades me and I have to make it whether or not someone likes it lol oh well!! My hubby is super super supportive but sometimes when I make something he will say "not my fave" and then I wonder if someone will see what I see in what I've made (like with you, it's usually what sells right away). The other day I made something and he said oooooh I love that one! And I got so excited he liked it but then he said "well you know honey when I like something it's like the kissing death and it won't sell! Haha you gotta just do what's in your soul; eventually the right person will see it and it will speak to them. I love both of your dream catchers! And I love that you totally embrace your light and dark not only in life but in your paintings! Just like with "feel the rain" and this "new moon" painting I can see a little dark side and a little light side to them and it's beautiful! Your journey reflects in your work; it's so raw and beautiful. It's really awful to hear someone being hurtful to you especially about your existence or you journey or whatever it is; like you said, don't let that in your space. I know it's hard not to, but people like that do not bring anything good to your world and it can be hard to ignore it but there is something seriously lacking in people that can tear another down like what it sounds like you experienced. And the sting of it being a loves one hurts even more. But no one deserves to be hurt like that. You aren't alone; in your feelings, past hurts, depression or in this space. You touch others deeply and you have something to offer people; whether in your art, your journey, or your words. Your work is beautiful, you are beautiful. Do not let anyone bring you down girl! On a side note, I am sooo excited for Halloween! Do you know what you are going to be?! I used to love being scary but with kids these days it's pretty cutesy lol I think we are recycling an old idea this year; the other year I was a chef, our son was a lobster and hubby was the lobster eater with a bib and mallet and butter haha this year since we have a new baby boy I think we're doing that again and he will be the lobster and our toddler will be a cow so we have surf n turf haha we still try to be clever or fun since we can't be scary :) last year we were the flintstones and everyone in tone said we had the best costumes so now I'm determined to keep up our Halloween antics on top! Hahaha
ReplyDeleteKissing death? That was supposed to be "kiss of death" haha oops!
ReplyDeleteAll of these paintings are just BEAUTIFUL! I am absolutely buying one, but I can't decide between the real dream catcher or the girl catching dreams! Also really love the Fall Figure because Autumn and Halloween are my favorite things ever! Congrats on selling the original so quickly! You are truly a wonderful artist. Thanks for making such lovely things.
ReplyDeleteLove all of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And definitely think it's grand that you're finding your own rhythm and creating for YOU.