Monday, October 28, 2013

Giveaway With The Vagabond Studio! Enter to win Customizable Bracelets!

I didn't end up listing those paintings like I said I would.
We all knew I wouldn't.. It's not like I was even busy.
In fact, I slept all stinking day yesterday!
Seriously I did. I woke up at 2 pm, then went back to sleep from 3:30-5.
It was nuts. I was just so tired. And feeling awfully sluggish.
Then, sleeping all day yesterday caused me to not be able to fall asleep last night.
I was trying to fall asleep from 2-4 am last night.

I did however wake up and do yoga today.
Then I remembered how the first day back at if after 6 months was killer on my back.
So I'm sitting with a heating pad feeling a tiny bit defeated...
But, at least I tried.
And I'll try again until I stretch all the pain out of this back.
But  for now, this heating pad feels pretty good.

So, today I'm going to try to get those paintings listed,
orders shipped, and maybe even make a nice dinner for Sterling and me.

Those are my goals at least. I even have them written down.. so they might actually happen.
It's not like I'm forgetful and completely scatter brained.. I just have a lot going on.
Kind of like too many internet tabs being open at once.
But enough about all this, cause it's Monday and my favorite part about Monday's are giveaways! 

Today's giveaway is from The Vagabond Studio. 

Remember last week's outfit post? And my beautiful quote bracelets? 
Now is your chance to win some of your own! 

I freaking love quotes.
I have folders on my computer of quotes.
I often share them on the blog, Sterling and I text images of our favorite quotes to each other.
Quotes have helped me through hard times in my life.
There is A LOT of power behind words... 
So, I love my quote bracelets from The Vagabond Studio

Shai from The Vagabond Studio is giving away a trio of Aluminum Bracelets. A $42 value!
Totally customizable.
You pick your quotes. 
Anything you'd like! 
Endless possibilities. 


What quote would you get? 
If you need some ideas, check out her shop! She's got some great ideas, icons and styles! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A bit about Shai from The Vagabond Studio

In the deepest crevices of my being, I am a creator. Not *the* creator, or anyone snazzy and ultra-special like that, but the kind of creator who finds painted desert sands in used coffee grains and spends afternoons with fingers and facial features smeared in charcoal and graphite. I inscribe words onto pages and blog posts with a complicated mix of tears and cheer. I create laughter. At my day job, I help create peace. I've even been lucky enough to create a handful of hilariously quirky children. 

My name is Shai Smith, and I am a creator. 

I am also a 28 year old mom (of 2 + 2 step-kiddos), a full-time student, a blogger, a social media coordinator, a wife, and an activist. And, as of the past few months, I've finally come to love the fact that I'm from Georgia. 

View more from The Vagabond Studio:

Fun fact? Every single time I've typed studio I have accidentally spelled it stuido. 
I'm not even kidding... I need a nap! 

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