Monday, August 30, 2010


Taylor and his friend hooked up the internet just for one night to play video games. I feel like I'm scavenging the remains. I'm not sure if that's the correct term.. but it's what I'm doing. I may have just heard the term on The Discovery Channel... Maybe that's why I picked it.

Anyways.. I feel just a bit empty. I miss running my little Etsy Shop. It makes me feel like I have a purpose I guess. Silly... I know, but true. I also miss living in an actual "home." ... only a few more days until I will be back!

 We haven't "moved in" here because we know we are just going to be moving in a few days. Sadly it will be to another hotel for a week or two.. and then to an apartment. I have now been "homeless" for 2 months. I just can't wait until things get back to normal. Where I can set up my tea sets, put dishes in the cupboards, light candles, hang paintings, vacuum, cook dinners, have morning tea, you know.. all that homey stuff. Oh, I can't wait.

BUT I will have you know.... I have not just been sitting around watching The Discovery Channel, (or History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel) I've been working hard to fill my shop even more. I can't wait to show you. Hopefully soon I can start posting my new paintings and hats.

For now, please enjoy pictures of my current "home."


  1. Beautiful pics! You should do photography. Sorry your living out of a suitcase... that's definitely no fun. Oh and I served your sister and her husband and they miss you very much:) They said you might be planning a trip and they seemed really excited! They love you!

  2. the lighthouse, the split tombstone, and the birds on the wire are my faves. so awesome. sorry you're living on the go, that's so unsettling. hooray for soon-to-be homeyness!

  3. Aw, I don't think it's silly at all to miss your shop. I'm just setting one up and that definitely gives me a sense of purpose. :) Wonderful pictures though!

  4. Why dont we have awesome graveyards like that here in Utah? Beautiful pics as always!

  5. oh wow these photos are amazing!! i wonder how do you process them? they look so nostalgic and vintagey <3

  6. At least the town is beautiful. You'll be settled soon enough and then you will miss these days.

  7. You live there... I AM SO JEALOUS! Lovely photos.

  8. i love these photos! hope things get settled for you soon.. i definitely would not do well without a permanent home, so i feel for you!

  9. Beale St! I have a few friends from Memphis!

  10. would you consider putting some prints of you pix on your etsy shop? im particulary interested in #5 (2 gravestones), 7 (tree in cemetary), and 15 (birds on wire). 5x7 in matte finish. let me know whatcha think.


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