Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Threads- Make Up Your Mind

I'm posting very late today... 
You see, I've been a very busy girl.

Being suddenly unemployed kicked me into gear.
I've been working extra hard on my shops and my art.
I've been painting more, and getting more done.

Aside from that, I've also decided to become a substitute teacher when things get slow.
That way I can continue my art, and pick up a couple of shifts if I need them. 
Wish me luck, kids terrify me. 

Anyways, welcome to spring in Utah.
I wish Utah would make up it's mind about if it is spring, or not.
April showers bring May flowers...
so hopefully, April snow will bring something even better.

Vintage Dress: Vintage Fadz
Legwarmers: Talk2thetrees
Boots: Forever Young


  1. Good luck with your new ventures! Especially with the kids. Kids terrify me too!

  2. your beauty is breathtaking!! (:

  3. I love that outfit! And your hair! I just spend THREE HOURS braiding in a new set of dreads into mine. lol Good luck with the kids! I actually work with children from 4 to 18, so I'm pretty comfortable around them. Just remember- they're little people. That's it. Just tiny people with attitudes and interests just like big people. I was nervous around kids until I realized I could talk to them just like my adult friends. If there's down time in class where you feel like you have to talk, bring up the fact you're an artist or talk about Adventure Time. Kids love being able to connect with adults, so anything you can do to create that connection will help. Good luck!!! :)

    1. Such good advice! Thank you Allison!! And how awesome you have dreads! I've always wanted to do that.. but my hair is SO thin, and looks awful long.

  4. Love the outfit, and your attitude. Its amazing how positive you seem to be through such hardships. Truly an inspiration to me, and many of your readers, I'm sure. Off topc completely, but, how did you manage to get your hair sooooooo white? I bleached mine 3 times, and still couldn't get it white/platinum.

    1. Ariel, I actually struggled with staying positive. I was a depressed mess for two days... and it brough back my insomnia and all sorts of problems.. I think everyone breaks, but I decided to not let myself stay down for too long.... ;)
      I got my hair so white by using toner, and toner shampoo. The shampoo is called shimmer lights. It's dark purple, and you leave it on for a little while in the shower. I can't use it very much anymore, because it actually ads some purple to your hair, which balances the yellow.. so since there is not more yellow in my hair, it actually looks grey if I use it! BUT, yeah, my hair is actually pretty damaged.. I bleached it probably 5 times, toned it once, and used shimmer lights shampoo at least 10 times. It's white as snow now though!

  5. Your hair looks SO cool that white! I love it! I like the white hair and the snow too! =]

    Although I'm glad we don't have snow here. I don't think I could live in Utah, you guys have too much snow!

  6. I love your hair and that dress!!! Oh Utah and its silly weather! LOL!

  7. I know you hear this a lot, but your hair is just so fantastic!

    I'm in NW Arkansas and we didn't even have a winter! There were a few cold days and it snowed once. But it got warm immediately. Nuts.

  8. that outfit is gorgeous, and would work really well for teaching!!!
    kids scare the crap out of me.i forget they're little people, and it scares me how smart they are.
    best of luck with everything!
    Knit, Nicole, Knit!

  9. I love kids. That will be fun. Maybe losing your job was a blessing in disguise.

  10. Hi Rachael! Fun pics! I work with kids. Word to the wise, show no fear. If you do, they will sense it and take advantage! So act confident and fearless and you'll be fine!

  11. Great dress and hair...looks fabulous against the white snow!
    I think you'll enjoy's never boring! :)
    And glad to hear you're making lots more art!

  12. subbing is the greatest thing... i was a sub in texas, before i moved to Utah and i loved it. if you're "scary" enough, you get a lot of the good things about teaching without the annoying parts (like paperwork). i used to do 2 week stints in one classroom, that was always a blast. just a suggestion- don't let them intimidate you. kids get one scent of uncertainty and BAM you lose them. too bad you have to have an associate's degree to sub in utah, i don't want to finish that out...

    1. You don't need an assoiciate's! I am able to start teaching on Monday... all I needed was my highschool diploma. You don't have to be a certified teacher either. Check out Kelly Services. I don't know if they have any of those where you are, but there is one in Provo!

  13. Love this look, and your haircut is awesome <3

  14. i absolutely love this little outfit!!!

  15. remember when you had pink hair??? yeah, well you inspired me. check out my latest post(:

  16. This is awesome! You look like a tiny snow fairy!

  17. I love your new hair!!! Love the color also!!!)

  18. your hair! that outfit! your inspiring attitude! thank you for brightening my day!

  19. First of all you are gorgeous and such an inspiration! second, how did you do your hair? third. AHHH seriously amazing!

  20. I'm in love with your hair! if only my skin tone was suitable and I had the guts to get a pixie cut lol.

    Also, so jealous of the weather in Utah! I was born for winter weather but it rained all of like, four weekends since fall.


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