Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday Threads - Testing The Waters

Yesterday I read that this last June was the hottest recorded month in the history of ever. I'm not sure those are the exact words, but it's been so hot lately! I've been staying indoors most of the day trying to get work done. My house stays around 80 with the poor swamp cooler blowing at full blast. The dogs hide under the couch or sleep all day.. and during the evenings we go out and take walks. Walks through people's sprinklers are Wicket's favorite, and Meko loves to lay in the cool grass. Sterling and I love to go to the river and hang out. It's been our "go to" photo shoot location because of the shade.

I'm learning to embrace water more, especially this hot summer. I'm in the middle of the course Elemental  with Moondaughter. It's taught me a lot about myself and the way I connect with the Elements. I'm an Aries rising Leo, so I've got a lot of fire.. I am not a water person. I see all of these wonderful people on instagram saying they are mermaids, showing pictures of them in the water.. with their mermaid hair, swimming.... and I'm just not like that. If I were anything, it would be a fire fairy. I hate getting wet. I don't like swimming in the ocean, or rivers or lakes. I like to look at them, but that's it. I don't even like taking long showers, or drinking water. Though I'm trying to drink more. I've told Sterling the only way I would get in the ocean would be on his back or shoulders. 

So when we go to the river, I usually dip my toe in. Or my hand. That's about all I can handle. While taking these photos I really tried to embrace the water.. Focusing on a very vital an important element. 
So, I kept my toe in for about a minute... except when I saw a fish. Then I screamed and backed away. 

I titled this outfit post "Testing The Waters" in honor of embracing water, and embracing change. 
I've been doing my best to embrace change lately.. and I can feel huge change just on the horizon for me. It's terrifying, and exciting..and I'm learning to just go with the flow instead of blast it with my fire. 
Turns out this "Outfit Post" hasn't been much about the outfit.. Oops

Top - Romwe

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  1. I think I am fire & water or something because I always have high highs and low lows. I love water actually but I hate drinking it too; I am terrible at staying hydrated and realized recently lately that that has probably attributed to my stomach issues that have no diagnosis. Turns out, when I think about it, I never drink enough water or anything for that matter and its probably very detrimental to body functioning properly and probably our up and down moods. I have to admit though that I have been kind of blah about the water element during the elemental course and finally today have embraced it. I think. We shall see if I get to the bath ritual tonight haha I was all fire fire fire last week and this week; but luckily for my hubby it was the good fire and not my red headed bitch fire hahaha

  2. I love your kimono!

    I don't actually know what my element is, but it's definitely not water. I'm not a water person at all. Sometimes I can barely stand to shower...I just hate being wet.

  3. I sucks at drinking water too but I do like to take long showers and swim.

  4. Love your hair color! You look so pretty! Like a forest goddess or something.

  5. Thank you for introducing me to Moondaughter! I have been wanting that kind of community, and the Elemental course looks rad. I love your outfit, and I can see in the pics how you feel about the water! haha


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