My tree has actually been decorated for quite some time now, and I'm just getting to posting photos of it. This holiday season has blown by so quickly, and yet I've enjoyed every moment of it. We haven't had much snow, but living on top of a very steep hill, I think I'm okay with that. Plus it will snow tomorrow. For those of you who haven't known me since high school, I control the weather. I really do. I've never done a rain dance that didn't have rain follow within 20 minutes. Perhaps it's my Native American ancestry, or my pure belief that it works.. I've made it rain on the 4th of July once by doing a rain dance, and again in Mexico while hiking on the hottest day I've ever encountered; I did another rain dance, and 10 minutes later it started to rain. Once I became aware of my special powers, I had to choose to be responsible with them... because you know what they say, with great power comes great responsibility. This year I chose to only have it snow on the 25th of December.. though I did allow a few drizzles and snow flakes to fall. So, if you are in my area, you are welcome for your white Christmas.
Hmmm am I joking? I guess only those who really know me would know. But for now, let's all just believe that I control the weather.
This year I really wanted a sparse tree. When I walked into my house for the first time, beforeI even signed the papers to rent, I knew what type of tree I would get, and where it would go. A 10 foot sparse tree. I wanted it to touch my 10 foot ceilings.. that was pretty important to me.
I soon learned that super high ceilings aren't all that great, especially when you are short, and do not own a ladder. Stacking chairs is dangerous, but it worked. Decorating this tree was a challenge.
I only had a few decorations since I moved and donated bunch of my decorations. This year I really wanted natural elements in my tree, so a lot of my ornaments were found objects, or things I already had.
Bones, pine cones, crystals and feathers adorned this years tree.. and I love it. I put in a birds nest with some eggs and a bird skull. All to represent life and death, dark and light. Because to me, that is what this season is all about.
Something about the way the light shone through the feathers, and bounced off the crystals made my heart feel whole. The delicate bones balancing on the branches symbolize that death isn't the end, and we can't be fully destroyed.
I used to have a hard time with this season. Depression was always an issue, and my own frustrations with religion made this holiday season confusing, dark and upsetting.. but this year I took it back.
The traditions of decorating a tree go way back before any modern religion. It is in a way magick. Sympathetic magic, of bringing light into darkness.
By lighting candles, twinkle lights, and reflective ornaments we are practicing a ritual that has been done since the ancient times. A way to bring light into our dark worlds.. to welcome the sun back during the solstice, the darkest night of the year. I myself celebrate Yule. I will also be celebrating Christmas tomorrow. Not for the religious reasons, but for the season of sharing your light with others.. and exchanging gifts and good cheer! Next year I'll throw some Hanukkah in there. Because I believe there is some form of truth to be found just about anywhere, and there is always a reason to celebrate.
My views have took a very Pagan turn these last few years, an I've felt so much peace in the wisdom of the ancient traditions. They resonate with my soul on a level I've known since I was young and first climbed a tree. I do not claim that my way is right, or better than anyone else's. I claim that this way makes my heart full, and my soul sing. And I think that's what this season is really about. Finding what makes you feel soulful.. what brings our your light.
What connects you.
So whatever it is that makes you feel infinite, connected and soulful..
whatever you believe to be true..
I wish you a very happy holiday season.
Safe travels within, and without.
merry christmas! :) XOXO
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I love your tree! The crystals, bones, and feathers are so perfect :) I'm glad that Christmas is no longer depressing for you. I hope your holiday season is even half as beautiful as your tree. And I love the one picture where you can see your reflection taking the photo in the ornament.