Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cathedral Rock

On our last day in Sedona, we went to Cathedral Rock. 
Cathedral Rock is a vortex in Arizona. 
We hiked up just before dusk, sat and watched the sunset together.

We Learned:
There are parts on this planet that give off more energy then others. 
We take awkward photos together. (We're learning.)
We can talk to coyotes.
I can hike in some pretty cool outfits.
We are made for traveling.
And it needs to happen again soon.


  1. Oh wow! That place is so beautiful. I've never seen desert or rocks before in person, but I seriously need to get out and see them. I have a medical condition that makes me hyper sensitive to chemicals, so I'm in the process of saving up to refurbish my own little Air Stream. Maybe I'll have to add that to my list of places to visit!

  2. My boyfriend and I hiked it all the way to the top! It was so beautiful! I didn't realize it was a vortex! I truly miss Sedona and Flagstaff. I want to live there one day....... You posts make me want to go back there! <3


  3. Wonderful!
    Love that third photo of you guys...little Wicket seems to be looking away to give you some privacy. ;)

  4. These photos.....THIS is the land that I am in love with. I could wander for days through that place and be 100% at peace. I hope your desert trip has inspired you artistically ;)

  5. LOVE this post, love the pics. Especially the ones on the quilt and that cool dark energy mass vortex looking thing. Love your statements at the end.


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